Family Practice &
Internal Medicine Clinic

1119 W. Randol Mill Rd. Suite 103
Arlington, TX 76012

Phone: 817-860-2700

2206 W. Park Row Dr. Suite 102
Pantego, TX 76013

Fax: 817-860-2704

4320 S. State Highway 360. Suite 400
Grand Prairie, TX 75052

No matter where life take you, Transcend Medical Group (TMG) Travel Medicine Specialist can help get you prepared. Our Travel Medicine professional will ensure all the proper travel vaccines and necessary prescriptions to ensure a worry-free trip. Ideally, you should schedule your appointment with a Travel Medicine Specialist 4-6 weeks prior to your departure date because some vaccination require multiple shots. However, we will always try to accommodate last minute travelers. To contact us, call 817-860-2700. We will respond to your request within 24 hours during normal business hours (8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. CST). Or, fill out the appointment request form below.
Travel Medicine Consultation
Transcend Medical Group (TMG) Travel Medicine Specialists offers travel consultations, travel immunizations and travel medications to help protect you while traveling internationally. At Travel Medicine, our goal is to help you stay healthy and safe while you're traveling or living overseas. We offer travel vaccinations and advice customized for each patient's health needs. You can help prevent health problems before they arise by visiting Travel Medicine before your trip, and we provide consultations if you return with health problems. Travel counseling includes current reports about health conditions in countries worldwide for individuals, groups, and corporations. Be well prepared so you may enjoy your trip.
Travel Medicine Vaccines & Immunizations
Td (Tetanus, Diphtheria): $75.00
IPV (Polio): $115
MMR (Mumps, Measles, Rubella): $135.00 (2 shot series)
HPV (Human papillomavirus): $260
Adult: $145.00​
Child: $118.00
Adult: $145.00​
Child: $118.00
Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria Toxoids, Pertussis): $100
HPV-9 (Gardasil): $190 (3 shot series)
Influenza: (Seasonal Flu Shot (required during flu season Oct 1 - March 31))
Seasonal: $30​
Seasonal High Dose: $50
Varicella (Chickenpox): $140.00 (2 shot series)
Pneumovac 23: $140​
Prevnar 13: $225
Meningitis A/C/Y/W - 135: $135
Meningitis B
Bexsero: $200​
Trumenba: $200
Malaria: $69​
Shingles Vaccine: $179
Typhoid: $140
Shingles Vaccine: $179
Td (tetanus, diphtheria): $75
Cholera (Vaxchora): $225
Japanese Encephalitis: $350
The cost of administering a vaccine is $25.
Notes: If you need vaccinations for Rabies, Japanese Encephalitis, or Yellow Fever, please contact your local Department of Public Health for vaccinations.
Travel Kits
Ace Bandages
Anti-diarrheal caplets
Bismatrol Chewable Tablets
Curad Bandaids
Denttemp O.S. (repairs loose fillings and loose caps)
Eye Wash
First Aid Tape
Foille Medicated First Aid Ointment
Gas Relief soft gels
Gentle Laxative
Johnson & Johnson gauze pads.
Loratadine Antihistamine tablets
Motion Sickness tablets
Nasal Decongestant (12-Hour)
Nasal Decongetant (Maximum Strength)
Q-DRYL Allergy Medication
Triple Antibiotic Ointment
Tums Extra Strength
Tylenol Extra Strength
Wet Ones Antibacterial Wipes
Travel Checklist
The following checklist will assist you in preparing for international travel. Print this list and cross through the items that do not pertain to your travel plans.
Learn about your destination - type of accommodations, food and water preparation, type of geographical areas you'll visit, and medical services available.
Visit our local Travel Clinic or your healthcare provider.
Get appropriate immunizations for your destination. Obtain an International Certificate of Vaccination or yellow fever card and keep it with your passport.
Have a dental check-up and complete medical examination, especially if traveling for three months or more.
Arrange for an adequate supply of your prescription medication.
Obtain a medical alert bracelet for medical conditions such as diabetes or drug allergies.
Purchase an extra pair of eyeglasses or contact lenses and sunglasses.
Obtain a directory of English-speaking physicians.
Collect items for a first aid travel kit especially if traveling long-term, or off the usual tourist routes, or purchase a travel kit from your Kelsey Pharmacy.
Check your health insurance coverage.
Buy additional health/accident travel insurance. Ensure you're covered for any current health conditions (such as heart, pregnancy, etc).
Remember your identification and necessary papers (such as passport, visa, etc.)
This checklist is not all inclusive. Travel smart! Consult with our Travel Clinic for advice on planning a safe and healthy trip.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
1. How soon should I start getting my immunizations before travel?
Ideally, you should see a healthcare provider four to six weeks prior to your departure date.
2. Will my insurance cover my visit?
Immunizations for the purpose of travel are not typically covered by health insurance; therefore, it is TMG Travel Specialists policy not to file insurance. We accept cash, check or credit card for payments. We can provide you with a receipt of your charges and payment received if you wish to self-file a claim with your insurance company.
3. Will I see a doctor?
TMG Travel Medicine Specialists are staffed by specially trained foreign travel nurses.
4. How can I find out what immunizations are recommended for my travel?
This will be discussed with you at the time of your consultation at TMG Travel Specialists. If you would like to review the information prior to the appointment, please go to or for current recommendations and requirements. Other information, including health precautions you should take while traveling, are also on these sites and will be discussed at your consultation.
5. What is the difference between required immunizations and recommended?
A required vaccination is one for which formal proof of immunization is needed in order to enter one of the destination countries. This immunization needs to be administered at least 10 days prior to entry. A recommended immunization is one that is suggested to protect travelers from illnesses while out of the country, but is not required by any government for entry.
6. Do my children need vaccines?
Children are at the same risk as adults for the diseases listed for each country and should be protected by immunizations. Some foreign travel immunizations cannot be given to infants and small children.
7. Can I receive vaccines if I am pregnant?
You should check with your healthcare provider before scheduling any immunizations. Some travel immunizations have not been studied in pregnant women; therefore, the safety rate is not adequately documented.
8. Can you provide a yellow card?
The yellow card is the International Certificate of Vaccination, which is used most specifically to document yellow fever immunization and other required vaccinations. A yellow card will be provided at the time of your immunization.
9. Can my whole family of four come at one time?
Our travel representatives can assist you with scheduling your family's appointments by calling 817-860-2700. We will help schedule a time convenient for the whole family.
10. Can we be seen on Saturdays?
Yes, by appointment only.
11. Can I just walk in for an appointment during the week?
All travel appointments need to be scheduled by calling 817-860-2700.
12. I always need something for diarrhea and altitude illness. Can you provide these prescriptions as well?
You will have to talk to your personal physician to obtain these medications because our travel nurses can only provide prescriptions for malaria prophylaxis and oral typhoid.
13. I have a compromised immune system. Can I receive vaccines?
If you have an autoimmune condition or compromised immune system, we recommend that you discuss all immunizations with your personal physician and get an approval prior to your travel consultation. Most vaccines can still be given.
14. We have a group traveling to the same location and we would like to come to Kelsey-Seybold together. Is that possible?
Arrangements for large groups can be made through TMG Corporate Wellness program. The Wellness team will educate the group and administer the recommended immunization(s) onsite. Please call 817-860-2700 to make arrangements to have the Wellness team visit your site.
15. I only need malaria medication.
Even if you are only interested in getting malaria prophylaxis, you still need to schedule a travel consultation with one of our specially trained travel nurses to go over all the specific recommendations for your trip and discuss the appropriate medication. New vaccines or booster vaccines are sometimes needed by individuals who are unaware if their shots are not up to date, or who have a chronic condition or health risks requiring a shot prior to travel.
16. I grew up in the country I am visiting and will be visiting family and friends. Why do I need immunizations?
If you have lived in the U.S. for more than a few years, your immunity to infectious diseases in your home country has likely lapsed and immunizations can help keep you well during your visit. It is important to immunize your children born here prior to their visit abroad as they will be at higher risk of a variety of illnesses while staying in homes and neighborhoods than if they were staying in resort accommodations.